One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish – Siganus unimaculatus
The Foxface Rabbitfish, known scientifically as Siganus unimaculatus, is a strikingly beautiful marine fish, renowned for its vivid colors and unique patterns. This species boasts a blend of yellow, black, and white hues, with a distinctive face resembling that of a fox. Growing up to 8 inches, it’s a popular choice for saltwater aquarium enthusiasts. The Foxface Rabbitfish is not only admired for its appearance but also for its peaceful nature, making it a great addition to community tanks. However, care should be taken as it possesses venomous dorsal spines.
Care Level
Omnivore – Prefers a diet of algae, vegetables, and meaty foods.
Max Size
Up to 8 inchesÂ
Peaceful but may be territorial