Multibar Angelfish – Centropyge multifasciatus
The Banded Angelfish, Centropyge multifasciatus, is a visually striking marine species known for its vibrant bands of alternating black and white stripes. Native to the Indo-Pacific region, this small angelfish adds a dynamic aesthetic to any saltwater aquarium. Reaching up to 4 inches in length, it’s ideal for moderately sized tanks. Though it requires a bit of care, its peaceful nature and adaptability make it a favorite among aquarists. Enriched with a diet of algae, mysis shrimp, and other marine-based foods, the Banded Angelfish thrives in a well-maintained environment with plenty of hiding spaces.
Care Level
Omnivore – Prefers algae, mysis shrimp, and other marine-based foods.
Max Size
Up to 4 inches (10 cm)