Blue Spot Puffer – Canthigaster solandri
The False Eye Sharpnose Puffer, Canthigaster solandri, is a captivating and unique addition to any marine aquarium. Known for its vibrant colors and distinctive “false eye” markings, this species adds both beauty and intrigue. It grows to a manageable size, making it suitable for a variety of tank sizes. While generally peaceful, it can be territorial, so careful tankmate selection is essential. This puffer’s diet is varied, requiring a mix of meaty foods for optimal health. Its fascinating behavior and striking appearance make it a favorite among aquarists seeking a distinctive marine inhabitant.
Care Level
Carnivore – prefers a diet of meaty foods like shrimp, squid, and marine meats.
Max Size
Approximately 4 inches (10 cm)
Semi-aggressive; can be territorial